Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to flip out a Chinese bell boy and Abigail update

As everyone in America is finishing the last of their Christmas pie, knocking back another eggnog, and my Dad is falling asleep on the couch after sampling Jim and Steph's latest wine, we arrived at Zhengzhou. We love it a million and a half times more than Beijing.

The irritating thing about the Chinese, though, is they love to serve you. I find this inefficient. I want to say "Bell boy, I'll still tip you just to get you out of my way, but I am going to carry my own d*mn bag because I can do it 100 times faster than you." So after we arrived at the hotel, armed with another checklist of things to complete before they hand over our daughter in a few hours and eager to get started, we were at a stand-still because the bell boy hadn't brought up our luggage. It was going on half an hour. So, I found the bell boy on the floor above ours, struggling with the inordinate amount of luggage for the ever-high-maintenance von Trapp family. I gave the bell boy a tip, grabbed our 2 suitcases and began hauling them down the hall. The guy chased after me, calling out in Chinese and trying to help. Then I picked up a 44 pound suitcase in each hand and started down the stairs. I thought he was going to have a heart attack when he saw this (probably because no Chinese woman would sling around 88 pounds of suitcases). He yanked the one out of my hand (breaking the strap) and then carried it the rest of the way to my room, saying "I sorry I sorry I sorry" the whole way. Given the language barrier, I had no way to tell him that he shouldn't be sorry, I wasn't mad at him, I just wanted to get on with my day in an efficient American fashion.

(On a similar note, yesterday Lar had a bathroom attendant follow him to a urinal, tried to help him unzip his pants, brought him an extra roll of toilet paper (I had to check- TP is not something guys usually employ when using a urinal) and got a little too close to the situation, if you know what I mean. Lar was quite shaken up about the "too much service".)

Anyhow, we are in a frenzy to update the final paperwork things and wrap the gifts for the orphanage before we get Abigail. Lar is currently at the bank and left me with some things to take care of in the room, but I figured I could post an entry before he got back and still get my work done here if I hurry.

Part of the final papers we got on her update her info to help us prepare for her drop off in a few hours:
1. she is walking on her own (I am SO upset I missed this part, but it means her orphanage is really good and didn't keep her in a crib all day)
2. she has started on soft solid food (another good sign- some orphanages keep kids on milk for 2 years to save money)
3. she is sleeping through the night (8:30 until 7:00)
4. she loves dolls (Tammy and Judi will be happy to hear this and she'll get her Asian baby as soon as she gets home)
5. (the most fun news) she LOVES little dogs!!!! Jedi will be so pleased.

Pictures coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. This is a post from Jim, not Erin, who is signed in under her name to update posts. Anyway, I am sure she loves little dogs...after all, she started on solid food already, right?
