Saturday, January 8, 2011

Quotes from the Trip

Larry: "Abigail looks confused about something."
Erin, checking her over: "Oh. That's probably because we put her shoes on the wrong feet!"

Larry, upon observing Abigail and Erin wrestling too close to the edge of the bed while Elmo got flung to the floor as the baby crawled off
"Oh Jesus Erin! It's all fun and games until the baby cracks her head open."

"This girl is gonna' break me!"-- Larry on Abigail always reaching for or taking money to play with over all other toys within reach

Grace, CCAI guide: "Okay, now we are going to the Six Banyan Tree Temple. It was built in 537."
Larry: "So about the time my mom was a teenager."

Larry, watching Abigail try to tackle a roll at breakfast: "It is like watching an anaconda unhinge its jaw to swallow something half its size!"

Grace, CCAI guide, on traffic: "During the Asia Games it was nice. Only cars with the even or odd license plate number could drive on that day. Now, back to normal. Traffic jam."

How to tell when Abigail has finished eating:
Larry: "It is like watching Mt. Vesuvius erupt."

K, a 5-year-old Chinese girl who was adopted as a baby by a white family and E, a 9-year-old Chinese girl adopted by a different white family had the following conversation with each other:
K: "I'm adopted."
E: "Me too!!"
K: "Really?!? I was from China."
E: "Me too! Maybe we knew each other in our orphanages."
K: "Hey mom!! Did you know E was adopted too!?!?"

Grace, CCAI guide, on rubbing the Buddha's belly: "Each time you rub it, that means that you will have another baby. We don't rub it here. One point three billion enough!"

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